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The Palermo Well Field Groundwater Contamination Superfund site is in Tumwater, Washington. The site spans about three-quarters of a mile. It consists of three identified sources and corresponding plumes. Sampling found contamination in three city drinking water wells in 1993. Identified sources include former and current Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) facilities and a dry cleaner. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1997. Cleanup activities included putting in a system to extract vapor from soil beneath the dry-cleaning facility, using an air stripper to treat drinking water, putting in an underground drainage system, and monitoring air in houses above the contaminated groundwater. EPA is working with WSDOT to determine if more cleanup is necessary. Commercial, residential and recreational areas are on site. Government facilities such as the former and current WSDOT materials labs are also on site. The Palermo Well Field consists of several active water supply wells. They provide part of the drinking water for the city of Tumwater.

LINK --- Great first hand account of the wellfield's 1996 shift into superfund status from project manager Amber Wong. CAN YOUR HOUSE KILL YOU?

Mobile Shrine Bubble Generator for relationship work with the Palermo Well Field. Grass, dandelions, rocks from the wellfield in water. Play is the way, blow bubbles and be there with it.